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FROM RABBI MARANTZ letter to Kol Haverim- I sought a congregation comfortable in its Reform Jewish skin and dedicated to a broad-based, informed, and flexible Judaism--one that inspires its diversity of practitioners to greater engagement and celebration of the differences among them 

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Family memberships start at just $900

Yad L'Yad

Vasilkov. Emanuel’s Social Justice Committee needs your help. The Chicago Action Committee for Jews in the former Soviet Union, in association with the Jewish United Fund, is matching interested area congregations with emerging Jewish communities in the former Soviet Union. Rabbi Zedek and Emanuel’s SJC are asking interested congregants to join in organizing activities to send supplies to a budding Jewish community in Vasilkov. This small but emerging community has severe spiritual, emotional, and physical needs that we hope to help address. We will plan a series of activities for Emanuel to raise awareness, support, collect supplies, and generally assist the people of Vasilkov. This impoverished Jewish community in eastern Europe is in need of everything from clothing, vitamins and food, to Jewish books, mezuzot, menorahs and more. To get involved, contact SJC Co-chairs Judy Glaser ( or Stephen Melamed ( to volunteer.


Events: B'nai Mitzvah, Outside Rentals, etc.
Shelli Aderman

Shelli provides support for the staff, specifically related to publicity, Shabbat-a-Tot and membership inquiries, as well as Synagogue events such as Share Shabbat, B'nai Mitzvah and other life cycle events .


Contact information

Email:  773/561-5173, ext. 38

Message from our Leadership

As your Senior Rabbi and President we are excited to be

a part of such a warm and vibrant congregation that has served Chicago for nearly 140 years!


Emanuel Congregation continues to grow and emphasize our value of building community, celebrating our joyous events and comforting one another in our sorrows. Inspired by the richness of our collective Jewish past, we offer a contemporary focus on Jewish ritual, values, and heritage as we embrace our commitment to tradition while creating our own individual connection to our Jewish future.


Emanuel Congregation is the place to explore what it means to be a Jew in the twenty-first century. Regardless of what reasons motivate you to pursue your religious beliefs, our goal is to have a place for everyone.  

Emanuel’s Women of Reform Judaism officers:


Rachelle Sheffer


VP Membership & Programming

Sandi Fernbach

VP Fundraising & Finance

Laurie Fleischman


Recording Secretary

Deb Porter

Corresponding Secretary

Adrienne Singer


Jeanne Cole


Arlene Alpert

Sandy Chaet

Devorah Heyman

Rebecca Groble-Hull

Lisa Niser

Linda Projansky

Eloise Reimer

Rosanne Sangerman

Rith Seidner

Marla Zackler

Joy Moss

Gerri Persin

Jessica Schwartz

Diane Well

Deborah Arendt

Rosalie Bertocchi

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