Religious School at Emanuel Congregation

At the Emanuel Congregation Religious School we strive to nurture each student. Our experienced staff
of teachers are dedicated to building Jewish knowledge, beliefs and values, actions, and a sense of
belonging. The program guides our students to find their own Jewish voices, encouraging each child to
discover their own Jewish questions.
● Sundays, 9:30am-12:00pm. Grades K-8.
● Midweek Hebrew, 25 minute Zoom sessions. Grades 4-6.
Follow the simple instructions below to register:
1) Log into your ShulCloud account
2) Hover over “My Account” on the navigation bar.
3) Scroll down and click “Start School Enrollment”.
4) Follow the prompts and be sure to enroll your child(ren) in the 2023-24
school year and the correct grade(s).
If you need assistance getting into your ShulCloud account, please contact the Emanuel Office at or 773.561.5173.
Emanuel Congregation Religious School Mission Statement:
The mission of Emanuel Congregation’s Religious School is to provide our students with a strong
foundation of Jewish knowledge based on learning Jewish traditions; understanding the history of Israel, both historically and in a modern context; and experiencing spiritual opportunities. We seek to cultivate within them a commitment to live according to the ethical and spiritual values of Judaism.
The curriculum is designed with the understanding that students attend Religious School as a means of
complementing the spiritual foundation of home and synagogue life. We strive for students of all ages
to discover the relevancy of Jewish learning to daily life, and through their education begin to make their own Jewish decisions with a foundation of knowledge and commitment.
Believing firmly that a Jewish education is a social justice education, our youth are immersed in curricula that allows them to become future leaders committed to creating good in the world. At Emanuel, our youth learn to carry on the Hebrew language, practice Jewish tradition and values, and see the role the Jewish community plays in creating positive change. Through this, Emanuel youth are equipped to be lifelong learners, Jewish leaders, and creators of change.
While equipping them with the knowledge necessary to grow in the Judaism, Emanuel Congregation’s
Religious School is also functions as a home away from home for students. We hope to make every
student feel they are welcomed and loved and to leave knowing that they are part of a community.

Meet Mandy Herlich, our Director of Religious School
Mandy joined Emanuel’s professional staff on July 1, 2020 as the Director of the Emanuel Congregation Religious School. Click below to learn more about Mandy.

Thank you to the generous endowment of Marvin and Phyllis Goldblatt, new Emanuel Congregational members are able to enroll their children in our Sunday religious school at a significant discount.
Tuition is free for students enrolled in grades K-3; students in the grades 4-12 receive a $400 discount toward their enrollment cost.
Contact Mandy Herlich for details!