Funeral Planning

Emanuel has partnered with Chicago Jewish Funerals.
Chicago Jewish Funerals & Emanuel Congregation work with families during their most vulnerable times. Whether you need pre-planning assistance or an immediate need, we are here to help you.
A Jewish Funeral
Traditions and customs may vary among the branches of Judaism. Families may have a wide variety of observances.
Many decisions can be made with the counsel of clergy, family members and your funeral director. Above all else, respect is shown to the deceased and the mourners.
Funeral arrangements include:
Service location
Time and Date of service
Select a casket and outer burial container
Cemetery for burial
Clergy to officiate
Special service additions: i.e., music, photo montage, live musicians
Information for death notice and obituary
Determining Shiva home
Selecting pallbearers
Informing family and friends
Selecting speakers for the service
Pre-Planning a Funeral
Funerals are the one life event we know will occur, yet we are reluctant to plan for them.
When the time does come to plan for a funeral, families can be in a vulnerable state of mind – emotionally stressed, grief stricken, compromised. Many decisions need to be made in a very short period of time. And while the funeral directors at Chicago Jewish Funerals offer extraordinary experience and support to help guide our families, we know it can be easier on everyone if a funeral has been pre-arranged.
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