Safety, Respect and Response Team (SR2)

SR2 Team
(Formerly Sacred Spaces)
Emanuel Congregation is a place of refuge and safety for all people. The Safety, Respect and Response team (SR2) committee was developed to ensure that Emanuel is a safe, respectful, and inclusive place for learning, worship, and community.
The mission of the SR2 team is deeply personal to Emanuel but also necessitated by the time we live in and long overdue. This is Emanuel’s answer to the MeToo movement. The committee is designing and will implement guidelines for safe and secure interactions among community members and establish protocol for responding to harassment or problematic patterns of behavior.
SR2 will be a lasting and sustainable aspect of life at Emanuel. Team membership and leadership will shift. The team will persist and evolve, as a responsive and supportive body within Emanuel’s structure.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to: