Supporting Each Other
As CPS began school last week, parents and caregivers found themselves, yet again, trying to help their children with zoom learning while balancing careers and many other responsibilities. To say this is “hard” is an understatement.
It is for this reason I simply want to say - you are not alone and be kind to yourself. Mental health is one of the most important things right now. While this sounds easy, it isn’t and we always need reminders.
So how can Emanuel help?
First and foremost, Emanuel has a designated counselor from Jewish Family Services to help us connect congregants to resources in a variety of areas. All you have to do is reach out to one of our staff members so we can help connect you to her directly. She will work with you to identify resources that may be helpful for you, your children and your family.
Second, there is the option for us to set up bi-weekly “Parent Night In” zoom events. We can alternate between speakers on topics that interest us during these times and social zoom calls (have you played Pictionary online - so much fun!) When leading these in the past, I found the connection to other members, their support and understanding a wonderful reminder that I was not alone. We also shared ideas with each on a variety of topics and issues; and sometimes, just chatted about “important” things like the Netflix show Tiger King. (Never underestimate the power of just chatting about fun topics!)
If anyone has an interest in one or both of these ways Emanuel can help, please reach out to me by email,, or phone, 773-561-5173 ext. 109. Of course, you can also always reach out to Rabbi Marantz, Cantor Shelly Friedman, or Mandy Herlich. All of us are here to help.
And remember, you are not alone and be kind to yourself.