Rabbi Marantz investiture remarks
Shalom chevrei.
To all of you who attended my investiture weekend, I thank you. For those of you who couldn't make it, I hope you will take a look at the following writings that marked the moment.

I've also included my thanksgiving to numerous people who made this precious passage happen. There are other writings, videos and photos that we will make available to you, as well. I want to make sure that everyone in our community has some connection to this transformative moment for our kehillah kedoshah, our sacred community. Enjoy!
Make it a day of blessing and be a force for good!
Zie gezunt (Be well):
Rabbi Craig Marantz Investiture Charge by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
It is a priviledge and an honor to be here with you this Shabbat, celebrating your Kehila Kedosha - your sacred congregation - and, more personally, my friend, Rabbi Craig Marantz. I'm honored to be here with your esteemed Rabbis Emeritus - Rabbi Schaalman and Rabbi Zedek, and to be able to share the Bimah with your Cantor, Shelly Friedman. The Transition Committee of this congregation has done an outstanding job and that doesn't just happen. It's the result of wisdom, seichel, and hard work. Your president, Jill Gardner, and your search chair, Marlene Dodinval, are to be commended along with your Board of Directors and entire Search Committee. This is a historic moment for us all as Rabbi Marantz becomes the sixth [sic] Senior Rabbi in your congregation's history. You've been around a long time, Emanuel. You were founded in 1880 - Rutherford B. Hayes was America's president at the time. We were a country of approximately 50 million souls, still recovering from the Civil War. And Chicago was a city of 500,000, still recovering from the great fire of 1871. In January of the year of your founding, Thomas Edison received a patent for the "electric incandescent lamp." In June of 1880, the world's first pay telephone was installed. Kids - see me after services and I'll explain what a pay-phone was.

In October of 1880, the US Marine Corps Band got a new director, a fellow by the name of John Phillip Sousa. And in November of 1880, James Garfield was elected our country's 20th president. You've seen a lot as a congregation. What can I as a visitor who barely knows you offer on this evening of celebration and transition? Well, as a Rabbi, I can offer a little Torah. And as a friend of Craig and Betsy's for more than two decades, maybe a little insight into the relationship you are entering into with the Marantz family... Click HERE to continue reading Rabbi Zweibacks comments.
Response by Rabbi Craig Marantz
Dear family and friends. Esteemed colleagues and leaders from inside and outside this hallowed congregation-by-the-lake, valued volunteers and our entire staff whose extra special effort made this moment possible. To all present who grace this moment of consecration and investiture. I say thank you and "Brukhim ha-baim." Welcome. I am delighted that you've come to celebrate with me, and blessed that you walk with me as we mark this sacred passage.
Dear Rabbi Zweiback, Yoshi, my friend--I thank you for your soulful presence and your beautiful words of investiture. Our teacher Rabbi Lawrence Kushner likens our lives to a jigsaw puzzle made more or less complete by the pieces we hold at birth. But truth is, then, we don't possess all the pieces of our own puzzles. We need help. Now, according to Rabbi Kushner, everyone carries with them at least one and probably many pieces to someone else's puzzle. They don't always know it. We don't always know it. But when one presents such a piece to another he or she becomes a messenger, a sheliach, from the Most High. Yosh, you are such a sheliach for me and have brought me important puzzle pieces, and so I wanted to honor you and thank you here. And now... Click HERE to continue reading Rabbi Marantz's response