A Few Words from Rabbi Craig Marantz
On Friday, August 18th at 6:30 pm, I am conducting an informal experiment together with our Spiritual Engagement & Ritual team. We'll be trying out a brief, musical Kabbalat Shabbatexperience to welcome the Sabbath, and we'd love for you to join us, enjoy the moment, and tell us what you think. We'll begin with a little nosh, and then we'll try out this alternative and joyous approach to Shabbat prayer. I predict we'll conclude Kabbalat Shabbat by 7:15 pm. Immediately following, I will lead text study until 7:55 pmfor those who wish to stay and learn and/or those who wish to participate in the main 8:00 pm service. Our learning will focus on parashat hashavua, the portion of the week. Going forward, we'll do other such experiments as we seek innovative, spiritual paths to inspire and engage you.
We live in an era of radical choice, and we want to continue thriving as a community. We want you to choose to be with us, and so these experimental efforts help us get to know you "where you're at." By capturing our collective capacity to change and grow, we can together make Shabbat matter more. We look forward to welcoming you.
Make it a day of blessing and be a force for good!