A Few Words from Rabbi Craig Marantz
Shalom friends:
Last Wednesday, during a cold March morning in the middle of Evanston, Betsy and I stood together as the words of our daughter filled us with inspiration. We joined Cara, Jared, classmates, teachers, administrators and neighboring schools as they walked out in protest to the gun violence epidemic. Cara gave voice to the need for sensible gun laws. “Why should anyone have to go to school or to pray or to the movies and be afraid?” she asked. #Itsabouttime she said. For politicians to step up. For us to not let another news cycle pass. Many children like Cara are heeding the call to justice. Many children are channeling their inner forces for good. Many children are calling on us regardless of party or persuasion.
To our daughter and son and their classmates. To the young people at Emanuel Congregation and throughout Chicagoland and the nation, who together with your allies, walked out of class last Wednesday in protest. To all who have been shouting #enough to gun violence time and time again. To those summoning their voices for justice and their force for good in other ways. To those who may disagree with another but are able to listen and learn. And, to those who are doing whatever they can to make matter the losses at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas HS to the streets of our city to wherever people die of gratuitous gun violence … I say kol ha-kavod! You have all my respect, and I stand with you. I struggle with you and will do so until the work is done. I thank you for breaking the silence. Thank you for not standing idly by.
We seek details about gathering this Saturday for the March for Our Lives here in Chicago. We will provide that information as soon as possible.
Let’s keep working...
Make it a day of blessing and be a force for good.