A Few Words from Rabbi Craig Marantz
Shalom Chevrei:
To be sure, 2018 presented us many challenges. The world proved so fragile, our lives so vulnerable. And, yet, our tradition teaches us that, just like our ancestors transformed their afflictions into responsiveness and resilience, we, too, can summon the resolve to press on whatever life's complexities and make life and loss matter. As we commence 2019, I pray that we as a community, collectively and individually, find new and fresh ways to renew body, mind, and spirit and the courage to change our lives for the better.
I hope you'll enjoy this article from the URJ: 6 Jewish Resolutions for the Secular New Year
On behalf of Betsy, Cara, and Jared, I wish you and yours a happy New Year. May your dreams find fulfillment and your resolutions lead to completion.
Make it a day of blessing and be a force for good.
Zei gezunt
Rabbi Craig Marantz