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Lador Vador

Shalom Chevrei:

As a legacy congregation, we understand the power of lador vador, intergenerational connection. For 141 years, Emanuel has practiced this sacred intergenerationality and remained resilient because of it. Lador vador is in our communal DNA; it makes up our collective identity as a congregation.

One powerful outcome of lador vador is just how beloved Herman and Lotte Schaalman remain in our hearts. We first met them in 1956 when Rabbi Schaalman succeeded Rabbi Levy, Herman and Lotte made an amazing difference over decades and still do. Even though both passed away in recent years and we miss them, their legacies burn brightly in our hearts.

With great appreciation, we invite you to join us online this Friday night to honor the memory of the Schaalmans with a virtual oneg to follow (the Zoom link will be shared during Shabbat service.) Check our calendar of events for more details. We look forward to including Schaalman family and friends in the service, and we are thankful for the contributions of Rabbi Zedek, who will offer some reflections, and Sophia Askuvich, who’ll chant from Parashat Kedoshim - the Torah portion she shares with Rabbi Schaalman as b’nei mitzvah.

Zikhronam livrakha! May memories of Herman & Lotte Schaalman and their enduring legacies remain a blessing. And may our commitment to lador vador endure!

Make it a day of blessing. Be a force for good. Stay in the fight.

Zei gezunt (Be well):

Rabbi Craig Marantz


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