Taking Action
To say this past week has been rough, is an understatement. On a national level, we witnessed an attack against our capital and democracy. Particularly frightening and upsetting was this was act was committed by "us", fellow citizens. Locally, four Chicago residents (including the shooter) were killed in a shooting spree. The motive for this shooting spree is still unknown.
When the attack on the capital happened, our Clergy, staff and board leadership immediately scheduled a healing service through song and prayer. Being able to see each other on zoom and be together during such a difficult time allowed us to find some comfort amidst the chaos.
Continuing with the need for healing, I want to offer my condolence to all those killed or injured in the recent shooting spree in Chicago. In my condolences, I also Include the shooters family since they too are grieving the loss of a loved one, regardless of his actions.
But the feeling I am left with is my expression of condolences is not enough. Therefore, I began looking into more direct action I could take regarding gun violence prevention, which took me to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism- Illinois Chapter (RAC-IL) website.
There are three action items that you can do within minutes*:
· Encourage your senator to pass the Background Check Expansion Act (S.42)
· Urge Congress to take immediate action to stop gun violence.
· Share the RAC-IL link for gun violence prevention on social media and to friends and family.
*UPDATE: I learned these action items have expired. I will keep an eye open for other opportunities and share with all of you.
I will be completing these steps today. Please consider joining me. Gun violence prevention is a need on a national level and within our own city. Too many lives are being lost.
Finally, thank you to our clergy and Leadership. The opportunity to have each other during a tragedy as we experience this week, is why community is so important. And why Emanuel is such a special place.