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Yitro + Colleyville

This week we come to the Torah portion of Yitro - my Bat Mitzvah portion, circa 1998. You may not know this section by name, but I am certain you are familiar with the contents. In fact, it’s so famous they’ve even made movies about it. Yitro is full of drama and intrigue! Billowing down the mountain with clouds, thunder and lightning, God commands Moses to ascend Sinai and bestows on him what many would consider to be the cornerstones of our faith. The Ten Commandments.

Being told to believe in God, not to worship idols or take the Lord’s name in vain, to keep Shabbat, honor your parents, not to murder, not to commit adultery, not to steal, and not to bear false witness or covet another’s property seem like basic, straight forward things. Why make such a big deal out of them? Well. Take a look around us. Despite being so important for thousands of years… Some of us apparently could use a refresher or two.

Like most things in Judaism, there’s many deeper elements here than one might initially observe. Sure, even in ancient times it was probably a “no-brainer” not to murder or steal, but we are being commanded not to do so. Quite literally, written in stone. We are to be an example for the other nations of the world. We are to uphold righteousness, even when it is obvious, seemingly mundane, and especially when it is difficult.

eThe terror attack in Colleyville, TX was a dramatic and awful example of the struggles we are often faced with as community. Throughout our history it has never been easy to be Jewish, but it has always been important. As a people we have struggled, but our struggles have brought us together as a global community. It is important for us not to lose faith in that community. We have always gained strength from each other and that is more important than ever today. It is important to remember that there is always light, and the Jewish community will always be a light for the world.


The terror attack in Colleyville, TX was a dramatic and awful example of the struggles we are often faced with as community. Throughout our history it has never been easy to be Jewish, but it has always been important. As a people we have struggled, but our struggles have brought us together as a global community. It is important for us not to lose faith in that community. We have always gained strength from each other and that is more important than ever today. It is important to remember that there is always light, and the Jewish community will always be a light for the world.

When we feel tainted, God, remind us that we are at the healing service in Colleyville Texas on January 17

When we feel tainted, God, remind us that we are holy.

When we feel weak, teach us that we are strong.

When we are shattered, assure us that we can heal.

When we are weary, renew our spirit.

When we are lost, show us that You are near.


Mandy Herlich, RJE

Director of Religious School


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