A Few Words From...
Shalom Chevrei:
In this season of gratitude, I want you to know how thankful I am to serve as your rabbi - and for the time being, as your Director of Jewish Learning & Engagement. I am particularly grateful to Cassandra Tenonbaum, who has joined our staff in a new position called Director of Clergy Services, Lifelong Learning, and Engagement.
Put simply, Cassandra is here to provide executive support to me in my expanded role, to assist Cantor Friedman and the rest of the staff as needed, and to be a religious school liaison between me, parents, and faculty. Cassandra has proven most helpful in facilitating communication, ensuring a good administrative pace, and problem-solving. It’s this latter matter I want to clarify.
While Cassandra has proven to have a knack for “fixing things,” her job is more about collecting vital information and helping me know what needs to be prioritized so that I can then tend to the work summoned and serve you effectively. Think of her as a triage nurse of sorts: we work best as a team when she can listen and take notes, and then determine the best next steps. This allows me, Cantor Friedman, and the rest of the staff to work strategically and efficiently.
Our staff through and through brings many blessings to our community. I am glad Cassandra has already added her own. Thank you, Cassandra; and thank you all for doing whatever you can to welcome her.
Betsy, Cara, and Jared join me in wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.
Make it a day of blessing and be a force for good.
Zei gezunt:
Rabbi Craig Marantz