Volunteer Spotlight: Rob Moss, Executive Board Member & Tech Captain

During Emanuel’s virtual Shabbat services on Friday nights and Saturday mornings, Rob Moss can often be heard reading the names of people the congregation wants to pray for during the Mi Shebeirach and the Kaddish.
He is one of a handful of Emanuel volunteers who are using their tech skills to keep the congregation connected and Shabbat services running smoothly during the coronavirus pandemic.
“Being a tech captain is a lot harder than it looks,” Rob explains. “There’s always something unexpected! But between clergy’s adaptability and the congregation’s forgiveness of our occasional tech issues, I think we always manage to overcome and focus on praying as a community on Friday nights.”
Holding services online has given Emanuel Congregation an opportunity to maintain traditions through adversity.
“I’ve gotten to play a small part in helping with some of the congregation’s Zoom b’nei mitzvot,” he says. “Even in these crazy times, children are still becoming adults!”
Rob has been a member of Emanuel his entire life—nearly 28 years—and began volunteering early. “My favorite volunteer experience was the first time I chanted Torah at High Holidays,” he says. “I was so honored that Shelly asked me, and it’s a pretty rare experience for a 14-year-old to chant in front of hundreds of people!”
In addition to serving as a tech captain and Torah chanter, Rob has taught at the religious school and recently joined Emanuel Congregation’s board of trustees.
“Emanuel has such a rich history. We got to hear that in recordings of Rabbis Schaalman and Levy at High Holidays last year,” he says. “Emanuel also has so much of my own history: from Shelly and Ruthie giving me a love for singing, to memories of hide and seek in the coat closet, to my first paid job as a teacher’s aide, my whole life has been at Emanuel.”
His love of music has carried through to his life outside of Emanuel. Before the pandemic, he went to more than 50 concerts a year. “A highlight of my pre-COVID life was seeing Sara Bareilles perform lead in Waitress in London!” he says.
Rob also serves on the Young Professionals Board of Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, his former youth orchestra, and enjoys singing karaoke ad playing pick-up basketball and volleyball. Through the week, he helps financial clients run analytical simulations to assess their risks as a consultant at Quantitative Risk Management.